I think, therefore, I am.

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the Thinker

Friday, April 11, 2008
No – The most basic monosyllabic word with simply two letters in it that states the negative in any expression, emotion or anything for that matter with such definite clarity and assertiveness that no other word can perhaps.

This is the word we use daily perhaps over a million times to deny, refuse or maybe lie.

This is the word an employer says to his employee who earlier in the day had sent across a mail requesting for a leave.

This is the word a mother might use on her son who makes a hue and cry on the street as he points out to her the ice cream trolley across the road.

This is the word a daily worker gets to hear from his master when he asks for a hike in his wages.

This is the word a youngster gets to hear from the girl he has been dreaming of throughout his college days, when finally he asks her out.

This is the word a wife gets to hear from her husband whom she loves more than life, when she asks him whether he loves her or not.

This is the word an 8 year old gets to hear from a teacher when he spells outs a word wrong.

This is the word a retired person gets to hear many times a day at the pension office when he asks at different tables whether his work will be done soon.

This is the word a concerned person, who has waited for long over a critical operation of his beloved one, might receive from a doctor when he asks him whether it was a successful operation.

This is the word a guy who is in a hurry might hear from a cab driver when he tells him his destination.

This is the word we all use so many times in a day, in so many cases and so easily. Just a thought- Wish there was place more a few more ‘Yes’-es than ‘Nos’ in this world. Amen.