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Congrats Amrita...when did you become a Mom.? :)
Nice picture...
Haha Narayanan, let me assure you I am far from that. I was trying to post a pic for a long time, so that was one of my attempts.
Oh finallllllllllly!! u got a pic up!! :) Congratulations!
Hi Amrita,
Cool baby. I have been away from the computer these last few days, and now I return to see that you've finally got this problem under control. That's great!.
Hi Anu, thanks though I need to perfect the art much more.
Hi Gonsings, nice to see you again. Well, under control partly - now I am trying to post multiple pics together.
Amrita, Something is wrong with my HELLO and PICASA..It just doesnt' send the photo to the blog.!! I was thinking about you today...when I took over 2 hours to post my Friday Photo.!!
Finally after several attempts managed to post thru FLICKR.
Hi Narayanan, I guess its FLICKR to the rescue. I am also considering downloading filckr.